Lease Return Center
Central Avenue Nissan
We C.A.N Buy Your Lease Vehicle
If your current Nissan lease is coming close to an end, you may have questions and concerns about the steps to be followed before returning your Nissan. it is necessary to have your vehicle inspected and returned at the end of a lease term to any Nissan dealership near you. However, depending on how you intend to finish the process, there could be different requirements. You can select from four basic options for ending your lease: buy the lease vehicle, lease another Nissan, return your lease, or return your lease and buy another vehicle.
You can return your leased vehicle to any Nissan dealership, doesn't necessarily have to be the dealer you leased from originally.
If you exceed the number of miles in your lease agreement there is a per-mile charge.
If you are looking to end your lease before its scheduled termination, you can buy or lease anytime, or you can trade-in your vehicle whenever you want. If you need to turn your vehicle in ahead of time, you will simply be responsible for any remaining payments on your lease.
When you're ready to turn in your lease, your vehicle will have to be examined by a certified agent. Once this has been done, you will just need to complete some paperwork for the leased vehicle to turn in your lease.
If you decide to buyout your leased vehicle, the price will be based on the residual value of the vehicle — the purchase amount set at the time you signed the lease, which is based on the predicted value of the vehicle at the end of the lease. This value is referred to as the buyout amount or purchase option price.